Friday, December 30, 2011

Sebuah pengadilan banding memutuskan bahwa seorang remaja yang telah meninggal dapat bertanggung jawab atas luka-luka yang disebabkan bagian tubuhnya setelah ia disambar kereta api.

The Chicago Tribune melaporkan bahwa Hiroyuki Joho, 18, meninggal ketika ia berlari di depan kereta Amtrak yang melaju dengan kecepatan 110 km/jam di stasiun Edgebrook Metra di Chicago pada tahun 2008. Dimana tubuhnya tercabik akibat tabrakan, dan sebagian potongan tubuh tersebut terlempar sekitar 100 meter ke platform yang mengenai seorang wanita.

Akibatnya, Gayane Zokhrabov yang kaki serta pergelangan tangan patah karena terkena potongan tubuh Joho, memutuskan untuk menggugatnya.

Pengacara Zokhrabov, Leslie Rosen, berpendapat bahwa kasus tersebut harus diperlakukan seperti kasus kelalaian biasa, ” Ini tidak berbeda dengan penumpang kereta yang terluka setelah teknisi mengerem,” kutip The Chicago Tribune.

Loved: Hiroyuki Joho, known as Hiro was a popular member of his high school class who played in the tennis and soccer teams. Left, as a baby. Right, with a friend Loved: Hiroyuki Joho, known as Hiro was a popular member of his high school class who played in the tennis and soccer teams

Loved: Hiroyuki Joho, known as Hiro was a popular member of his high school class who played in the tennis and soccer teams. Left, as a baby. Right, Hiro with a friend

Gruesome: His body was severed on impact, and a large part became airborne, flying about 100 feet onto the southbound platform, where it hit commuter Gayane Zokhrabov, 58

Gruesome: Joho's body was severed on impact, and a large part became airborne, flying about 100 feet onto the southbound platform, where it hit commuter Gayane Zokhrabov, 58

Struck down: Gayane Zokhrabov, 58, waiting on the platform at Edgebrook, was knocked to the ground, her leg and wrist broken and her shoulder injured

Struck down: Gayane Zokhrabov, 58, waiting on the platform at Edgebrook, was knocked to the ground, her leg and wrist broken and her shoulder injured

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